We are a company owned by practicing optometrists focused on helping Optometric Offices compete in the marketplace. We use our buying power to help out private Optometry offices around the country. We work with the leader vendors around the world to get the best prices available.

Why us?

No membership required, we’re Free.  We are a True Buying Group, which pass the savings to its members.  Most Buying Groups/Alliances are only giving 5-25% OFF Frame purchases, as we average 50% or more OFF wholesale prices.  No Risk, we take back the entire order if you are unsatisfied with your purchase!

Our patients still want the name brands

Although we would probably prefer to stop carrying designer brands altogether, we know that a lot of our patients still have preference for the big brand names.

By being able to offer these designer frames at these low prices, our offices can make a profit even when patients use VSP, EyeMed and other insurances. This way, you can prevent patients from walking out of your practice without filling your prescription.

We make it affordable to you

We offer substantial discounts off wholesale prices on frames from top brands whose name we can’t mention here. We offer low minimum orders so you can spread your practice with a variety of top brands with minimal investment.

100% Legit Frames

All frames are guaranteed authentic.

ODU Limited-Warranty

We now offer 1 Year Replacement Warranty on all Manufacturer's Defects.

We will replace any defective frame purchased from us with the same model if possible. If not available, we will issue a credit for the purchase price for you to pick a similar model.

No questions asked policy, Frame must be mailed back for inspection before credit is given.